Acceptance of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis takes time, and it’s common for seniors to deny having this health condition both before and after a doctor has provided confirmation. Your aging loved one’s denial of the diagnosis could interfere with your ability to keep him or her safe. While you may not be able to force your loved one to admit he or she has Alzheimer’s, you can use these strategies to foster better communication regarding the condition.
Practice Empathy
When seniors with Alzheimer’s are in denial, they’re usually covering up challenging emotions such as anger and fear. Respect that your loved one is facing difficulty with these emotions, and use a compassionate tone during all of your discussions. Often, time and patience are all it takes to help seniors find acceptance.
If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with a serious condition and needs help with tasks like meal prep, transportation, bathing, and grooming, reach out to Assisting Hands Home Care, a leading provider of home care Phoenix families can trust. We also offer comprehensive care for seniors with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
Work Behind the Scenes
If your loved one shuts down at the slightest mention of Alzheimer’s, it may be necessary to recruit some outside help. Call your loved one’s physician and voice your concerns. Doctors are willing to talk and perform assessments if they know family members are noticing signs of Alzheimer’s.
Choose Your Battles
No one responds well to someone who is constantly bringing up a difficult topic. If your focus is on your loved one’s safety, avoid mentioning small memory lapses such as a lost television remote control. However, it’s absolutely necessary to talk to an aging parent who may no longer be able to drive safely or regularly forgets to take medications. When a conversation is necessary, keep it short and focus solely on why you’re worried.
There are many reasons seniors might need assistance at home. Some may require regular mental stimulation due to an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, while others might only need part-time assistance with exercise and basic household tasks. Assisting Hands Home Care is a leading homecare provider. Families rely on our expertly trained caregivers to help their senior loved ones maintain a high quality of life.
Be Prepared to End the Conversation
Once a conversation becomes heated, it’s no longer productive. Many families find multiple conversations are required before a loved one is willing to fully accept an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. If your loved one becomes angry, sulks, or refuses to discuss the topic, end the discussion and plan to revisit the conversation later when he or she is rested.
Offer Solutions
An Alzheimer’s diagnosis represents many unknowns to someone in the early stages of the disease. Instead of focusing on the problems your loved one may encounter in daily life, offer suggestions for assistance, such as professional in-home care. Knowing there’s a plan in place for meal preparation, home safety, and transportation can lessen the fears surrounding Alzheimer’s and help your loved one find acceptance.
The days, weeks, and months following an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be challenging for both seniors and their families. However, these challenges can be made less stressful with the help of caregivers trained in professional Alzheimer’s care. Phoenix Assisting Hands Home Care is here to help your loved one enjoy the golden years while simultaneously managing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Call us today to find out how we can enhance your loved one’s quality of life.