Nobody agrees with their family members all of the time, especially when it comes to issues related to caregiving. These tips can help you to manage those often difficult conversations.
Figure out What You Do Agree On
Even if your other family members are in disagreement about the majority of your decisions, there’s usually at least something that you do agree on. Focusing on that portion can actually help you to find a solution. For example, your other family members may feel weird about hiring senior care providers, but they may agree that you need a break.
Tread Gently on Sore Topics
You pretty much already know where the sore topics are with your family members, so do your best to either avoid these topics completely or to be extremely gentle with them. There is no point pushing your other family member’s buttons when what you’re trying to do is bring the situation to a level of agreement.
Deal with the Situation as it Actually Is
As you’re discussing the situation, everyone has to be dealing with the situation as it currently is. Dealing in possibly and maybe just won’t work with reality. You don’t know what the future is going to be like and you can’t change the past. If you’re having a difficult time getting everyone on the same page with reality, then it might be time to take a break.
Take a Break
Very few situations absolutely must be resolved right at that instant. If you can take a break and you and your family members aren’t getting anywhere in this discussion, step away for a bit. You might choose to leave the conversation for anywhere from a few minutes to even days, but try not to abandon it completely because the subject will most likely become a hot topic again.
Agree to Disagree
If you’re not able to come to any agreement at all and you’ve given the situation plenty of time, you may have to agree to disagree. This is especially the case if you don’t want to damage your relationship with your family member.
If your other family members aren’t willing even to have these kinds of conversations, you may have to simply deal with your disagreements as best you can. You can’t solve the problem alone, unfortunately.
If you or an aging parent are considering in-home senior care in Sun City, AZ, please call the caring staff at Assisting Hands Home Care. Serving North Phoenix, Glendale And Surrounding Areas. Call Us 602-362-6610.