Becoming a family caregiver doesn’t mean you have to give up your current job. In fact, you should continue working to get some time off from your caregiving duties. Here are some of the ways you can balance work with caregiving.
1. Develop a Schedule
Staying organized is a key factor in managing your workload and caregiving duties. If you establish a schedule, you can space out your duties and make time for your professional life. If changes occur at work, or if your senior loved one’s health gets better or worse, you’ll need to change the schedule accordingly. For example, if your loved one is recovering from surgery, you’ll need to devote more time to the recovery process. However, after your parent has fully recovered, you’ll likely cut back on your caregiving duties, acquiring more time for other commitments.
If the nature of your job leaves little time for you to focus on your loved one’s health and wellbeing, consider hiring a professional caregiver. Home care Phoenix experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.
2. Don’t Take on Too Much
You’re likely to be protective of your loved one and do everything to ensure he or she receives high-quality care. Taking on too many caregiving tasks and refusing to ask for help can make it difficult to continue working while caring for your loved one. To find a good balance, you should know your limits and delegate as many caregiving duties as possible.
3. Take Extended Breaks from Both Roles
You need to make time for yourself, whether it’s to catch up on rest, go to the park and relax, or take a vacation with your spouse or close friends. Taking extended breaks from work and caregiving duties can help you relax, regroup, refresh, and prevent exhaustion. Working and being a caregiver can take a toll on the body, but taking breaks can boost mental and physical wellbeing.
4. Consider In-Home Care
A professional caregiver can step in and provide your loved one with the care he or she needs while you’re away at work. In addition to providing companionship and help around the home, a caregiver can drive your loved one to medical appointments, community activities, and other places he or she needs to be. Ask for daily or weekly reports detailing your loved one’s progress and other information.
Phoenix in-home care professionals can assist seniors with a wide array of daily tasks, offering family caregivers the chance to focus on other personal responsibilities or take a break to prevent burnout. Whether it’s for a few hours a day or a few days a week, in-home care is the perfect solution for family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed.
5. Speak with a Support Group
It’s important to have someone to speak to about the daily challenges you face as a caregiver. People in a caregiver support group can listen to your stories and offer tips and advice to help you handle your career while being a good caregiver. You can use these strategies to balance your roles and reduce the amount of pressure you’re facing. If you don’t want to join a support group, choose someone to be your mentor and speak with him or her whenever you feel stressed and anxious.
The type of home care Phoenix, AZ, seniors need can vary. Some need assistance a few hours a day, while others require more extensive around-the-clock assistance. At Assisting Hands Home Care, we tailor our care plans based on each senior’s individual care needs, and the plans can be adjusted at any time. Schedule a free in-home consultation by giving us a call today at 602-847-6549.