Could Security Cameras Help Your Parent Feel Safer at Home Alone?

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Helping your parent to feel safe when they are at home is one of the most important things that you can do as a family caregiver. When you help to instill a sense of safety and security in your aging loved one when they are in their own home you help them to remain more independent and promote a higher quality of life as they age in place. There are many ways that you can do this, but reaching out to technology can be exceptionally effective. One form of technology that can be particularly beneficial in helping your parent to feel safer at home when they are alone is security cameras.

Some of the ways that a security camera could help your parent feel safer when they are home alone include:

Deterrent. Studies have shown that visible security cameras act as a deterrent for many would-be criminals. This means that if they see that your parent has a security camera, they are less likely to try a crime there.
Information. Even if the camera does not deter a criminal, your parent can take comfort in knowing that if the camera captures something, this information can be utilized by police to solve the crime.
Reduce risk of the front door. While it is a common image that criminals break into houses through windows or hidden doors, the reality is that many criminals use the front door. They may knock on the door or ring the bell and wait for your parent to answer, then push through, or use the visual of your parent and the inside of their home to aid them in a later crime. A security camera that is focused on the front porch can allow your parent to check who is at the door without opening it. If it has two-way audio, they can also communicate with the person without opening the door and get them to leave.
Extra set of eyes. Whether you are a distance caregiver or you just are away from your parent while you are at work, it is always comforting for both of you to know that you can check in on them throughout the day. A security camera inside of the home can allow you to check in on your parent and even communicate with them right from your computer.

If you have been trying to find ways to enhance your parent’s life while also ensuring that they are getting all of the assistance that they need to remain healthy, happy, safe, and comfortable, now may be the ideal time for you to consider starting home care for them. An in-home senior care services provider can be with your elderly loved one on a customized schedule that ensures that they are there for them when your parent needs them, while also keeping you at the forefront of their care routine. The highly personalized services of a home care provider are tailored to specifically address your parent’s individual needs, challenges, and limitations while also helping the to live a lifestyle that is as active, engaged, and independent as possible. Even if your parent’s needs are not serious and they are already able to live a largely independent lifestyle, home care can enable them to save time and energy, engage in more activities and events, remain more mentally and physically active, and seek a quality of life that is more fulfilling throughout their later years.

If you or an aging parent are considering in-home care services in Goodyear, AZ, please call the caring staff at Assisting Hands Home Care. Serving North Phoenix, Glendale And Surrounding Areas. Call Us 602-362-6610.