A major concern as people age is the possibility of Alzheimer’s Disease. It’s a frightening diagnosis, to be sure. Many people, including researchers, wonder if there is a way to prevent Alzheimer’s. The answer right now is that there is no surefire way to guarantee a person will not get Alzheimer’s, but that does not mean there is nothing that can be done to reduce the risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. One thing researchers believe can help stave off the onset of Alzheimer’s is mental stimulation. Your parent’s brain can be stimulated in many ways. Research suggests that two forms of mental stimulation that may prevent Alzheimer’s are social connections and activities that engage the brain.
Social Connection
Research indicates that engaging socially with others may help prevent Alzheimer’s. Scientists don’t exactly understand why this is the case, but it may be because social interaction stimulates the brain. This doesn’t mean that your parent has to be the life of the party and spend all of their time socializing with others, but it does make a good case for avoiding isolation. If your parent isn’t currently socially active, here are some ideas to get them involved:
- Check out the local senior center. Many senior centers offer classes for seniors, social groups centered around an activity (e.g., playing cards, knitting, hobbies, etc.), and exercise classes.
- Encourage your parent to volunteer. If your parent attends church, that’s a great place to start looking for somewhere to get involved. Many churches have volunteer groups where seniors can lend their skills and life experiences toward a good cause. Or, check with local non-profits for how your parent can help.
- Go on regular outings. Your home care provider may be able to take your parent on outings to places like museums, restaurants, the theater, and other public places where they can interact with others.
Activities to Engage the Brain
- Studies indicate that people who keep their brains active throughout life are less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Some ideas for keeping the brain active include:
- Word and number puzzles and games, such as crosswords, Sudoku, and Scrabble. Board and card games that require strategy are also a good choice.
- Take a class. Classes may be available at a discounted rate for seniors through a local community college. Also, watch for computer classes or other seminars held at the local library. Online classes are also a good option.
- Take up a new hobby.
- Keep a journal. Recording the events of the day, including all of the details observed throughout the day, helps the brain stay active.
Home Care Can Help
Hiring a home care provider may help your parent to make changes to reduce risks of Alzheimer’s. A home care provider provides a social connection, giving your parent someone to talk to on a regular basis. In addition, a home care provider may be able to drive your parent to classes, clubs, and social activities. A home care provider can also participate in brain stimulating activities with your parent, like playing games or helping with a new hobby.
If you or an aging parent are considering in-home care in Sun City, AZ, please call the caring staff at Assisting Hands Home Care. Serving North Phoenix, Glendale And Surrounding Areas. Call Us 602-362-6610.