What Are the Best Nutritional Tasks You Can Tackle to Help Your Loved One Maintain Wellness?

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Keeping your loved one operating at peak wellness often starts with what she’s taking in on a nutritional level. Eating the right foods and sometimes in the right combinations can help your loved one immensely. Here’s how you can get started with a nutritional plan for your loved one.

Learn as Much as You Can about Healthy Nutrition

Most people know only what they’ve needed to know about food and nutrition over the years. Now that you’re a family caregiver, you may need to seriously up your game. Make an appointment with a registered dietician or with a nutritionist. Or both! Learn as much as you possibly can about the types of nutrition your elderly loved one needs the most.

Talk to Your Loved One’s Doctor about Dietary Changes

Your loved one’s doctor likely has some nutritional recommendations, too. Talk with your loved one’s doctor about the changes that he recommends and follow up to see how well those changes help your loved one. There may be specific foods that your loved one needs to avoid due to medications, too, so it’s important to get an overview of her nutrition from a medical perspective.

Find Help if Cooking Is a Problem

Today’s busy schedules don’t always mean that you have the time or the energy to cook from scratch for your loved one. So start spreading those duties out a bit. Talk to family members about helping with meals, bring in referred caregivers, or even sign up for meal services. No matter what you choose, getting the right nutrition for your loved one doesn’t have to be difficult.

Apply Some of What You Learn to Yourself

As you’re learning more and more about healthy eating, be sure to apply some of those lessons to your own life. The healthier that you are, the easier it is to take care of your elderly loved one and to take care of all the various responsibilities that you manage in your life. Putting better fuel in your body enables you to keep up.

If your loved one is resistant to changing her eating habits, take your time and make changes slowly.

If you or an aging parent are considering in-home care in Glendale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Assisting Hands Home Care. Serving North Phoenix, Glendale And Surrounding Areas. Call Us 602-362-6610.