

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on December 21, 2022

Exercise is important in the golden years because it can lower the risk of many health problems. However, seniors with certain existing conditions should be careful about the types of workouts they do. If your elderly loved one has one of the following health conditions, there are certain exercises that may be too dangerous for …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on December 7, 2022

Communicating with a senior loved one who has hearing loss or impairment can be frustrating for both of you and can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Luckily, this can become more manageable if you follow a few simple tips.  Face Your Loved One when Speaking  When talking with your loved one, it may be helpful …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on November 23, 2022

Lunch is an important meal because it gives seniors energy and keeps them active throughout the afternoon and evening. Therefore, you should choose foods that provide your elderly parent with plenty of minerals and vitamins. Below you’ll find healthy lunch options for seniors.  Salmon Wraps Salmon is an excellent superfood that can fight off dangerous …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on October 19, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, strokes kill just over five million people every year. These cardiac events can also result in secondary health complications, such as partial paralysis, permanent brain damage, slurred speech, and stiff muscles. While some strokes are caused by genetic defects and disorders, most people can avoid these cardiac events by …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on October 5, 2022

Being a long-distance caregiver comes with a unique set of challenges. Long-distance caregivers must provide for their senior loved ones from afar and navigate the responsibilities of caregiving from many miles away. Learn effective ways to manage the challenges of long-distance care.  Get Organized As a long-distance caregiver, you need to be able to access …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on September 21, 2022

Throughout the many stages of dementia, seniors may experience a variety of emotions, including aggression and agitation. These behaviors can be overwhelming for caregivers, but they can be addressed effectively. Below you’ll find tips to help you calm a senior loved one with dementia.  Play Music  Listening to music can immediately connect older adults to …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on August 17, 2022

Caring for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s can present many challenges, but developing a proper care plan could prepare you for the road ahead. You need to remain optimistic yet realistic and seek assistance from others. Continue reading to find out what new family caregivers should do when caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s. …

By John Rogoveanu, 9:00 am on August 3, 2022

Families often find it difficult to care for their senior loved ones. Whether your family disagrees on how to plan for your parent’s long-term care or you just can’t figure out a resolution for scheduling issues, you can use the following tips to resolve your conflicts.  1. Choose the Right Time to Talk  Over the …